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Is Prosecco a place or a grape?

The question “Is Prosecco a place or a grape?” uncovers a fascinating aspect of this celebrated Italian sparkling wine, known for its similarities to the delightful Bella Principessa Prosecco and Signorina Prosecco brands.

Prosecco, as it turns out, refers to a geographic designation and the former name of the region’s primary grape variety, which is now known as Glera. This change was officially made in 2009 by Italy to protect the wine’s region of origin and prevent the term “Prosecco” from being used for similar products made outside this region​​.

Prosecco is a sparkling wine designation from the Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia regions of northeastern Italy, areas renowned for their winemaking heritage. This designation ensures that any wine labeled as Prosecco adheres to specific production methods and quality standards, similar to how Bella Principessa Prosecco and Signorina Prosecco embody the essence of Italian sparkling wines​​.

The wine is named after the village of Prosecco, which is in the province of Trieste, Italy. This region and nine other provinces spanning the Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia regions form the Prosecco DOC (Denomination of Controlled Origin) or DOCG (Denomination of Controlled and Guaranteed Origin) areas. These designations indicate a level of quality and a specific area where the grapes are grown, and the wine is produced, ensuring the authenticity and uniqueness of Prosecco​​.

Regarding the grape variety, Glera grapes (formerly Prosecco grapes) must comprise at least 85% of the wine’s composition. This stipulation helps maintain Prosecco’s distinctive taste and quality, much like the flavors celebrated in Bella Principessa Prosecco and Signorina Prosecco. The remaining 15% can comprise other indigenous grape varieties from the region, allowing for a diverse range of flavors within the Prosecco spectrum​​.