Trade Show
Vinitaly 2023 – Deutsch
Der weltweit größte Wein- und Spirituosenmarkt, Vinitaly, kehrt nach Verona, Italien, zurück.
Vinitaly ist eine internationale Veranstaltung, die Besucher aus aller Welt anzieht. Mit diesem Reiseführer können Sie ganz einfach zur Verona Fiera navigieren und die besten italienischen Weine und Spirituosen erleben.
Founder - Prosecco Ventures at
Meet Michael Goldstein, founder of Prosecco Ventures and the driving force behind Bella Principessa. With a passion for excellence and attention to detail, Michael recognized the need for a premium Prosecco brand that offers exceptional quality and stunning presentation. Bella Principessa Prosecco is more than just bubbles in a bottle - it's a lifestyle choice that adds magic to every occasion, reflecting the brand's ethos, "To Sparkle Is Magical, Drinking Is Generic." If you're a potential strategic partner with innovative ideas for achieving great things together, please contact Michael. He'd be happy to hear what you have in mind.